People Person’s Paper Podcast

The People Person’s Paper Podcast, with hosts Brian Sittler and Hilton Price, is your guide through every episode of the hit show The Office. Now in its sixth year and wrapping up Season 5 of the show, the “Quad P” as it’s affectionately known is a hilarious way to revisit the most heartwarming moments, and the cringiest, of America’s favorite paper company from Scranton, PA!

Episode 34 - Diwali
The Office, Diwali, NBC, Scranton, Dunder Mifflin Hilton Price The Office, Diwali, NBC, Scranton, Dunder Mifflin Hilton Price

Episode 34 - Diwali

It’s time celebrate Diwali, and possibly do a little cheerleading. Ethan Sandoval joins Hilton and Brian to talk about the 6th episode of Season 3, Diwali. Michael brings his new date Carol to Kelly’s family Diwali celebration. Of course, Michael may not actually understand Diwali. He’ll still sing a song about it, though.

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Episode 30 - The Convention

Episode 30 - The Convention

Michael and Dwight head to an annual paper sales convention, where they run into Josh and Jim from the Scranton branch. Having Jim removed from his normal setting leads to some poignant moments between him and Michael, and along the way we see more of Michael's sales prowess. Hilton and Brian fly solo for this episode recorded in 2018.

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Episode 23 - Dwight’s Speech

Episode 23 - Dwight’s Speech

In this episode from 2018, comedian Evan Hughes joins Hilton and Brian to talk about episode 17 of Season 2, Dwight's Speech. Dwight is trying to make a big impression among his peers. Meanwhile, Evan is giving Hilton and Brian a surprise when he admits he was not impressed by the episode! A Tulsa legend shares his thoughts, even if it doesn't move drive the wheels of history.

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Episode 22 - Valentine’s Day

Episode 22 - Valentine’s Day

In this episode from 2018, Hilton and Brian look at the 16th episode of Season 2, Valentine's Day. Michael is off to New York, with big hopes and a bigger secret. But it could put him in hot water with his new boss, his old boss, and pretty much everyone. The show really is really finding it's narrative strengths with this episode.

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Episode 19 - The Secret
The Office, Scranton, Dunder Mifflin, NBC, The Secret Hilton Price The Office, Scranton, Dunder Mifflin, NBC, The Secret Hilton Price

Episode 19 - The Secret

In this episode recorded in 2018, Hilton and Brian look at the 13th episode of Season 2, The Secret. Michael is struggling to keep Jim's secret about his affection for Pam, but it's really Oscar's secret that comes out, even if Dwight is completely oblivious! The Oscar plot really shows how much has changed culturally since the episode first aired!

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Episode 18 - The Injury
Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, The Office, The Injury, NBC Hilton Price Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, The Office, The Injury, NBC Hilton Price

Episode 18 - The Injury

Hilton and Brian chat about the 12th episode of season 2, The Injury. Michael's grilled foot is the surprising start to the episode, but lots of lack of awareness and self-absorption are where it ends, as many episodes centered on Michael do. Meanwhile. the end scenes with Dwight reveal some of the series strengths in chracter-building.

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Episode 17 - Booze Cruise
Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, The Office, Booze Cruise, NBC Hilton Price Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, The Office, Booze Cruise, NBC Hilton Price

Episode 17 - Booze Cruise

In this episode recorded in 2018, Brittany Daniels joins us to talk about Episode 11 of Season 2, Booze Cruise. Michael has hopes of motivating his employees on the open water, but the booze cruise in November doesn't go quite like he plans. Fun guest appearances from Rob Riggle and Amy Adams add to the episode, but the real star is the limbo.

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Episode 16 - Christmas Party

Episode 16 - Christmas Party

This week, two guests join us to talk about Episode 10 of Season 2, Christmas Party. Michael and Becky Zampino are also big Office fans, and the four of us have a good time talking about the series first Christmas episode. It's also a cautionary tale about secret Santa gift exchanges. And maybe ipods.

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Episode 15 - Email Surveillance

Episode 15 - Email Surveillance

This episode from 2019 features the return of Lacey Hancock to the show, to talk about Episode 9 of Season 2, Email Surveillance. Michael's attempt to monitor the office emails backfires, as he learns Jim planned a party and invited everyone but him! When he crashes the party, the awkward gets turns up to 11, but it ends in a heartfelt duet that isn't weird at all.

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